60 research outputs found

    Monitoring Elektrokardiograf Menggunakan Topologi Mesh

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    Penerapan wireless sensor node (WSN) telah banyak dikembangkan untuk aplikasi monitoring parameter kesehatan pasien, salah satunya digunakan pada perangkat elektrokardiogram. Pada penelitian sebelumnya, dibuat sistem monitoring EKG menggunakan topologi multipoint to point berbasis perangkat transceiver Xbee[1]. Sistem tersebut menggunakan tiga node sensor dengan satu node kordinator sebagai penerima data dari semua node sensor. Pada topologi tersebut, tidak terdapat node yang difungsikan sebagai router sehingga tidak ada rute alternatif jika terjadi kesalahan pada suatu node. Selain itu, tidak dapat digunakan untuk jarak transmisi yang lebih jauh. Solusi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan mengaplikasikan topologi jaringan mesh. Sistem ini digunakan untuk aplikasi monitoring EKG secara real time yang terdiri dari 4 buah node sensor. Dimana 3 buah node sensor berfungsi sebagai router, 1 buah node sensor sebagai end device dan 1 buah kordinator pada bagian penerima sebagai pusat pengolah data. Dari hasil pengujian diperoleh bahwa data dari setiap node sensor diterima dengan baik. Penambahan karakter diperlukan untuk identifikasi sumber node. Proses routing berjalan dengan baik ketika ada node yang mengalami gangguan

    Abnormal ECG Classification using Empirical Mode Decomposition and Entropy

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    Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the world. Early detection followed by therapy is one of the efforts to reduce the mortality rate of this disease. One of the leading medical instruments for diagnosing heart disorders is the electrocardiogram (ECG). The shape of the ECG signal represents normal or abnormal heart conditions. Some of the most common heart defects are atrial fibrillation and left bundle branch block. Detection or classification can be difficult if performed visually. Therefore in this study, we propose a method for the automatic classification of ECG signals. This method generally consists of feature extraction and classification. The feature extraction used is based on information theory, namely Fuzzy entropy and Shannon entropy, which is calculated on the decomposed signal. The simulated ECG signals are of three types: normal sinus rhythm, atrial fibrillation, and left bundle branch block. Support vector machine and k-Nearest Neighbor algorithms were employed for the validation performance of the proposed method. From the test results obtained, the highest accuracy is 81.1%. With specificity and sensitivity of 79.4% and 89.8%, respectively. It is hoped that this proposed method can be further developed to assist clinical diagnosis


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    ABSTRAKSI: Stetoskop merupakan peralatan medis yang bisa dikatakan mutlak untuk seorang dokter. Stetoskop digunakan untuk menentukan kondisi pasien, obyek pengamatannya biasanya suara jantung dan suara paru. Teknik ini biasanya disebut dengan auskultasi. Masalah yang timbul pada auskultasi jantung dan paru menggunakan stetoskop adalah noise lingkungan, kepekaan telinga, frekuensi dan amplitudo. Disinilah penggunaan stetoskop sebagai alat bantu diagnosis cenderung sangat subyektif. Dalam proyek akhir ini direalisasikan stetoskop elektronik sebagai media auskultasi untuk jantung dan paru. Prototip ini menggunakan membran, kondenser elektret, pre-amplifier, wide band pass filter, selektor mode, 4 mode auskultasi (terdiri dari 1 buffer dan 3 filter), penguat daya audio, dan speaker dinamik. Mode-mode tersebut dibentuk dengan menggunakan LF347 untuk menghasilkan 4 frekuensi yang spesifik : mode normal (20 Hz – 2 kHz), mode respiratory (150 Hz – 2 kHz), mode cardiac (20 Hz – 660 Hz), dan mode wheeze (60 Hz – 2 kHz). Speaker sebagai tranduser akan menghasilkan sinyal suara yang telah diproses.Pengujian telah dilakukan untuk menghitung penguatan maksimum dari alat tersebut. Dari pengujian tersebut, penguatan maksimum adalah sebesar 3000 kali (atau 69,5 dB). Frekuensi kerja dari setiap mode auskultasi : mode normal (20 Hz – 2,130 kHz), mode respiratory (145 Hz – 2,130 kHz), mode cardiac (20 Hz – 650 Hz), dan mode wheeze (55 Hz – 2,130 kHz). Frekuensi-frekuensi ini sudah cukup mendekati frekuensi spesifikasi (perbedaan antara 0% - 8,33% dari spesifikasi). Baik suara jantung maupun pernafasan dapat didengar dengan baik melalui speaker yang dapat diatur volume-nya.Kata Kunci : -ABSTRACT: Stethoscope is one of the medical instrument that every doctor have to owned. Stethoscope is used to determine the condition of a patient, which as the object of the examination are the heart voice and lung voice. This technic is called auscultation. The problems that appear in using a stethoscope as heart and lung auscultation are environmental noise, ear sensitivity, frequency, and amplitudo. So that, the utilizing of stethoscope as a diagnosis instrument can be very sensitive.This last project was bringing about an electronic stethoscope as an auscultation media for heart and lung. This prototype was using membrane, condenser elektret, preamplifier, wide band pass filter, selector mode, four modes of auscultation (consist of one buffer and three filters), audio power strengthener, and dynamic speaker. These modes are formed by using LF 347 to produce four specific frequencies which are : normal mode (20 Hz – 2 kHz), respiratory mode (150 Hz – 2 kHz), cardiac mode (20 Hz – 660 Hz), and wheeze mode (60 Hz – 2 kHz). Speaker as a transducer will produce a voice signal that have been processed.An experiment had been done for counting the maximum gain of the instrument. From this experiment, the maximum gain is 3000 times (or 69,5 dB). The frequency from each auscultation mode : normal mode (20 Hz – 2,130 kHz), respiratory mode (145 Hz – 2, 130 kHz), cardiac mode (20 Hz – 650 Hz), and wheeze mode (55 Hz – 2, 130 kHz). These frequencies are nearly as the same as the spesification frequencies (the differencies are about 0 % - 8,33 % from the spesification). The heart voice and respiration can be listened well through the speaker which the volume can be adjusted.Keyword:


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    ABSTRAKSI: Jantung merupakan organ vital didalam tubuh manusia. Jantung berfungsi mensirkulasikan darah ke seluruh tubuh. Volume darah pada suatu organ tubuh akan berubah-ubah akibat pemompaan darah oleh jantung. Ada banyak cara untuk mengetahui kondisi jantung seseorang. Salah satunya menggunakan Photoplethysmograph. Photoplethysmograph merupakan perangkat yang dapat mendeteksi perubahan volume darah tersebut. Data Photoplethysmograph dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui kondisi kesehatan seseorang. Pada Tugas Akhir ini telah dibuat Photoplethysmograph embedded wireless LAN berbasis komputer. Yaitu suatu perangkat untuk memonitor perubahan volume darah dan menampilkan grafik perubahan tersebut. Sistem ini dapat digunakan untuk memonitor keadaan jantung secara wireless. Photoplethysmograph ini terdiri dari sensor, penguat, LPF, ADC, mikrokontroler, komunikasi data serial, wireless LAN 802.11b, dan komputer sebagai penerima dan penampil data. Sensor tersusun atas LED merah dan fotoresistor (LDR) yang ditempatkan pada jari tangan. Sinyal yang dipancarkan LED diterima oleh LDR. Sinyal yang diterima LDR berubah-ubah sesuai perubahan volume darah, karena sinyal yang diterima amplitudonya sangat kecil dan mengandung noise maka perlu dikuatkan dan difilter. Sinyal analog tersebut dirubah menjadi sinyal digital dengan ADC. Selanjutrnya data dikirim secara serial oleh mikrokontroler dan ditransmisikan secara wireless ke komputer. Di komputer data akan disajikan dalam bentuk grafik dan angka. Setelah dilakukan pengujian, perangkat PPG digital yang telah direalisasikan dapat bekerja dengan baik dalam menampilkan grafik sinyal PPG, sinyal sudah bersih dari noise, dapat menghitung detak jantung tiap menit, dan sistem bersifat realtime.Kata Kunci : Photoplethysmograph, embedded wireless LAN, BluetoothABSTRACT: The heart is a vital organ in the human body. The heart have function to circulate blood throughout the body. Volume of blood in an organ of the body will vary due to pumping of blood by the heart. There are many ways to analyze the condition of the heart a person. One of them using Photoplethysmograph. Photoplethysmograph is a device that can detect changes in blood volume. The data of Photoplethysmograph can be used to determine the health condition of a person. In the Final Project has made Photoplethysmograph embedded wireless LAN-based on computer. That is a tool to monitor changes in blood volume and display the graph changes. This system can be used to monitor the heart using wireless transmission. Photoplethysmograph consists of sensor, amplifier, LPF, ADC, microcontroller, serial data communication, wireless LAN 802.11b, and the computer as a receiver and viewer data. Sensor consists of red LED and fotoresistor (LDR) is placed on the finger. The signal emitted LED accepted by LDR. Signals received LDR changes according to changes in blood volume, because the signal received amplitude is very small and contain noise will need to be strengthened and filtered. Analog signals are converted into digital signals by ADC. And then, data is sent serially by the microcontroller and transmitted wirelessly to a computer. In the computer data will be presented in the form of graphs and numbers. After testing, the digital PPG has realized can work well in show the signal graphs, clean signal from noise, counting heartbeats per minute, and the system is realtime.Keyword: Photoplethysmograph, embedded wireless LAN


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    Sistem pengawasan pasien rumah sakit yang dilakukan selama ini kebanyakan masih dilakukan secara konvensional yakni dengan sistem mengunjungi pasien berjadwal. Alat pengawasan kondisi pasien tersimpan di dalam ruangan dan bisa dicek hanya saat berada dalam ruangan tersebut. Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) adalah solusi pemanfaatan teknologi dalam bidang kesehatan yang memungkinkan pasien termonitor secara realtime dan dapat diakses kapan saja. Dalam memonitoring kondisi pasien, salah satu yang perlu terus dipantau adalah respiration rate. Respiration rate ini merupakah salah satu parameter yang paling penting dalam memonitoring pasien karena menjadi penanda kondisi patologis pasien. Dalam pengawasan pasien yang disebut sebagai ABCD Sekunder salah satunya parameter yang menjadi perhatian adalah pernafasan. Melalui tulisan ini telah dibuat suatu perangkat respiration rate monitoring yang dapat diakses secara real time untuk mengimplementasikan konsep RPM. Terdapat juga tambahan fitur yakni perangkat dapat melaporkan hasil monitoring secara detail kondisi normal atau tidaknya respirasi pasien. Perangkat monitoring respirasi yang telah dibuat ini dapat di akses secara real time dengan memanfaatkan jaringan wifi kemudian diterima pada perangkat smartphone sehingga tetap bisa diketahui kondisinya meski tidak berada dalam ruang pasien sekalipun. Data monitoring dapat dilihat lewat visualiasi grafik di smartphone selanjutnya klasifikasi kondisi pasien berdasarkan dari nilai respiration rate yang dihitung. Sistem yang telah dirancang memiliki keakuratan 95,16%. Threshold yang digunakan adalah 27 yang merupakan representasi dari nilai analog sinyal dari sensor. Sistem monitoring respiration rate ini diharapkan dapat digunakan dan dikembangkan untuk membantu dalam memberikan pelayanan yang optimal terutama dalam hal monitoring kondisi pasien

    Perancangan dan Implementasi OFDM-STBC Berbasis FPGA Untuk WiMAX 802.16e

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    ABSTRAKSI: Kata Kunci : ABSTRACT: Multicarrier technique and Multiple Input Multiple Output-Space Time Code (MIMO-STC) is very effective to solve the problems of communication systems with high data rate. Multicarrier techniques and Space Time Code widely used in wireless communication systems are Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technique and Space Time Block Code (STBC). The challenges faced in implementing this techniques in FPGA is getting minimum the utilities of memory with due regard to their reliability. In the research that has been done by previous researchers before, especially the design of processor FFT / IFFT in OFDM transceiver [9,12-13,19-20], generally use radix-2 algorithm that have disadvantage. The disadvantage is if the number of point FFT / IFFT is large, then the stages of the calculations become more complex when applied to FPGA requires a larger memory. Another issue is how to integration of both techniques becomes a unified communication systemThis research applied OFDM technique with 512 subcarrier using 512 points FFT / IFFT technique, and an approach radix-8 algorithm namely the 512 points FFT / IFFT system was arranged from blocks of 8 points FFT. STBC technique applied Alamouti scheme with two transmitters. The techniques of FFT/IFFT, STBC, and their integration was described in VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL) language as one of the simulators to produce an Integrated Circuit (IC). Other supporting parts such as the symbol mapping, multiplexing and demultiplexing were also applied in order to support the overall system.The results of the design and experiments, this system was able to work at a frequency of 100 MHz so the data were able to be transmitted at the speed of 28.3 Mbps in average. This design might be applied because based on the WiMAX 802.16e standard with 5 MHz of bandwidth, a minimum data rate of 4 Mbps was needed. The tests were also helped by logic analyzer and software LA-2124A. The results showed that the output value generated in the FPGA board based on pin output description was the same as the value obtained by Modelsim simulation.Keyword: OFDM, MIMO, STBC, FPGA, FFT/IFFT, VHD

    Breast Cancer Detection in Mammography Image using Convolutional Neural Network

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    Breast cancer is one of the non-contagious diseases that tends to increase every year. This disease occurs almost entirely in women, but can also occur in men. One way to detect this disease is by observing mammography images. However, mammography images often tend to be blurry with low quality so that it is possible to detect them incorrectly. Therefore, in this study, automatic classification of breast cancer on mammographic images was carried out using the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). This proposed system uses the VGG16 architecture with a transfer learning system. The proposed system is then optimized using Adam optimizers and RMSprop optimizers. The results of system testing for normal, benign, and malignant classifications obtained an accuracy value of 80% - 90% with the highest accuracy achieved using Adam's optimizers. With this proposed system, it is hoped that it can help in the clinical diagnosis of breast cancer.

    Desain Mini wearable ECG Berbasis Mikrokontroler

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    Electrocardiogram (ECG) is signal as a result of the electrical activity of the heart. ECG is taken by placing electrodes at a certain point a person's body. In this research made ​​digital ECG device that is used to monitor the condition of the heart of athlete. ECG is designed in small size that can be put on the waist with a mini LCD to view ECG signal graph. The system used 3 ECG leads with Einthoven triangle method. Electrodes are attached to the body taking electrical signal activity of the heart then the signal is amplified and filtered by signal conditioning. By Analog to Digital Converter signals are converted into digital data then the microcontroller reads data from ADC and displays graphs of signal and heart rate on the Nokia 5110’s  LCD screen.   Keywords: Electrocardiogram, Athlete, Einthoven, ADC, Nokia 5110Electrocardiogram (ECG) is a biopotential signal which generated by electrical activity of the heart muscle cells. ECG is taken by placing electrodes at a certain point a person’s body. This research propose a wearable ECG device. This device can be used to monitor athlete’s heart condition. ECG device is designed in small size that can be put on the waist with a mini LCD to view ECG signal graph. The ECG system used 3 lead’s configuration based on modified Einthoven triangle method then called modified chest lead. Electrodes that placed on the body, taking electrical signal activity of the heart then the signal is amplified and filtered by signal conditioning. By Analog to Digital Converter signals are converted into digital data then the microcontroller reads data from ADC and displays graphs of signal and heart rate on the Nokia 5110s LCD screen.keywords: Electrocardiogram, Biomedik, Einthoven, ADC, Nokia 5110Electrocardiogram (ECG) merupakan suatu sinyal biopotensial hasil dari aktivitas listrik sel otot jantung. ECG diambil dengan memasang elektroda pada titik tertentu tubuh seseorang. Pada tulisan ini, diusulkan sebuah perangkat ECG digital yang dapat digunakan untuk memonitor kondisi jantung seorang atlit. ECG yang dirancang memiliki ukuran kecil yang dapat diletakkan pada pinggang dengan mini LCD sebagai penampil grafik sinyal ECG. Sistem ECG yang digunakan adalah 3 lead menggunakan metode segitiga Einthoven dengan memodifikasi titik penempatan elektroda yang disebut modifikasi chest lead. Elektroda yang terpasang pada tubuh, melakukan sadapan sinyal listrik jantung kemudian oleh pengkondisi sinyal dilakukan penguatan dan filter. Oleh Analog to Digital Converter sinyal tersebut diubah menjadi data digital selanjutnya mikrokontroler membaca data ADC dan menampilkan grafik sinyal berikut heart rate pada layar LCD Nokia 5110.kata kunci: Electrocardiogram, biomedic, Einthoven, ADC, Nokia 511

    Comparison of resting electroencephalogram coherence in patients with mild cognitive impairment and normal elderly subjects

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    Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) was a condition beginning before more serious deterioration, leading to Alzheimer’s dementia (AD). MCI detection was needed to determine the patient's therapeutic management. Analysis of electroencephalogram (EEG) coherence is one of the modalities for MCI detection. Therefore, this study investigated the inter and intra-hemispheric coherence over 16 EEG channels in the frequency range of 1-30 Hz. The simulation results showed that most of the electrode pair coherence in MCI patients have decreased compared to normal elderly subjects. In inter hemisphere coherence, significant differences (p<0.05) were found in the FP1-FP2 electrode pairs. Meanwhile, significant differences (p<0.05) were found in almost all pre-frontal area connectivity of the intra-hemisphere coherence pairs. The electrode pairs were FP2-F4, FP2-T4, FP1-F3, FP1-F7, FP1-C3, FP1-T3, FP1-P3, FP1-T5, FP1-O1, F3-O1, and T3-T5. The decreased coherence in MCI patients showed the disconnection of cortical connections as a result of the death of the neurons. Furthermore, the coherence value can be used as a multimodal feature in normal elderly subjects and MCI. It is hoped that current studies may be considered for early detection of Alzheimer’s in a larger population

    Development of Wireless Patient’s Vital Sign Monitor Using Wireless LAN (IEEE.802.11.b/g) Protocol

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    Vital sign monitor is typical medical instrument for basic physiological measurement. Medical practitioner assesses a patient’s health condition by observing measurement results shown in display. In this research, we designed low cost, wireless, PC-based vital sign monitor. Signals captured in designed vital sign monitor are electrocardiogram (ECG), photoplethysmogram (PPG), and body temperature. Captured data are transmitted via wireless LAN module so that medical practitioner is able to monitor patient’s condition remotely from another room or place. The system worked well for maximum transmission distance about 45 meters for LOS condition and 20 meter for NLOS condition.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v4i6.642
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